career highlights
For over a decade I have been working on a network of websites that utilizes the resources of one another; speedstream upRiver and,,,, and many other sites.
– site listing –
It’s my most elegant, complex, deep & wide business model since the early days of etunz – virtual radio/tv and related technologies depth and nature of the intellectual property, code-base and a talented crew.
1994 I invented VTV – Vote TV
The Voting Channel
Public Polling & Voting Using Virtual Television Channels
Ray Deaver of Reagan & Ross Perot fame said “It’s a Promising Idea.”
2002 – 2004 etunz virtual radio / tv and related technologies
1996 Boeing Defense & Space – Systems Analyst – Created a 40 department Cross-Functional Team of Web Developers.
1993 Virtual Reality Designs in Arcade & Military uses. Collaborated with Eric Howlett of LEEP Systems.
1986 I invented a type of Video On Demand
– I called it MMA – Modem Movie Access
simplified streamer apps
embed, control, audio, video, distribution & support services
Your Audience, Message, Brand, Control. You Design, Live & Pre-Recorded, Public and Private, Freedom of Speech, Public Channels 1 through 13 and U..
TSPAN brings you meaningful curated news from internal and external sources relating to Texans
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